Can Dogs Eat Whipped Cream? Is It Safe?

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Whipped cream is a light and fluffy treat that goes good on pretty much anything. Dollop some on a slice of pie or use it to add some sweetness to fresh fruit!

Chances are, you have a can of whipped cream in your fridge for occasional snacking. You might have even let your dog have a taste.

You’re not alone. Many dog owners give their dogs whipped cream without giving it a second thought.

But is it safe for dogs to eat?

can dogs eat whipped cream

There’s a lot of human foods that dogs should not eat. Many can even lead to death. While whipped cream is not a deadly food by any means, it’s not exactly the healthiest treat option.

Is Whipped Cream Safe for Dogs?

The answer to this question is a bit more complicated than you might think.

Technically speaking, whipped cream is perfectly safe to eat. It’s non-toxic and won’t cause any immediate harm to most dogs. In fact, many pups love the stuff!

Essentially, whipped cream is nothing more than air-infused cream. There are some other ingredients, which we’ll get into later. But at its core, whipped cream is just a lactose product.

With all that said, it’s not an appropriate food that dogs should be eating regularly.

Whipped cream is a very sugary treat that can have some nasty long-term effects on a dog. It’s like feeding your pup a bowl of sugar every day. You just shouldn’t do it!

The Dangers of Whipped Cream

The occasional taste every now and again is nothing to worry about. However, you should only give your dog a dollop on special occasions.

Anything more and they could experience some nasty side effects.

Weight Gain

Take a look at the nutritional facts on the back of a whipped cream can. Chances are, you’ll see high figures for saturated fat and sugar. Both of these nutrients are fine in moderation. But, having too much can lead to some excessive weight gain.

Saturated fats, in particular, can make your dog pack on the pounds. Canine obesity is far more common than most people think.

Eating something like whipped cream regularly can cause your dog to become overweight very quickly.

Heart Disease and Diabetes

It’s not just weight gain you have to worry about. With those extra pounds comes a higher risk for heart disease and diabetes. Like we mentioned earlier, whipped cream is very high in sugar content. It’s what gives the fluffy treat its good taste.

Unfortunately, your dog’s blood sugar levels will spike when they eat it.

If those high blood sugar levels turn into a regular ordeal, they may develop diabetes.

This is a life-long disease that will affect every aspect of your pup’s health. So, you need to be cautious and avoid treats like whipped cream.

Dental Problems

We all know what happens when you eat too much candy! Kids practically have it drilled into their brains every holiday. Well, your dog has the same risks to worry about.

The sugar content in whipped cream can lead to a host of dental issues.

While true cavities are pretty rare for canines, tooth decay is a very real threat. So is periodontal disease. Sugar speeds up this process by producing harmful acids in your pup’s mouth.

Also read: Possible Causes of Chattering Teeth in Dogs

Lactose Intolerance

Dogs aren’t equipped to handle a ton of lactose. Most dogs are not fully lactose intolerant. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to enjoy cheese products.

However, sensitivity to lactose varies from dog to dog. Some dogs do not handle dairy products well at all. It could lead to vomiting, digestive problems, and even allergic reactions.

Even if you limit whipped cream to a once-a-year treat, you need to make sure that your dog can handle it beforehand.


Air is what gives whipped cream that light and fluffy texture. While you can’t see it, your dog is taking in a lot of air whenever they eat the dessert topping.

If they consume too much of it, there’s a serious risk for bloat.

Bloat is much more than just excess gas. It can be downright deadly! In extreme cases, the stomach can convulse and turn in on itself. This restricts airflow and puts pressure on your dog’s other organs.

If not dealt with accordingly, dogs can die from the issue.

If you suspect that your dog has eaten large amounts of whipped cream, it’s a good idea to visit a vet for good measure.

They can address any bloat issues your pup may be having to keep them safe.

Digestive Upsets

Finally, eating too much whipped cream can lead to some digestive discomfort. As we said earlier, sensitivity to dairy products can vary dramatically from one dog to the next.

Smaller pups tend to be more intolerant than larger ones.

Either way, most canines will not react well to dairy products if they are not used to eating it every day. If your dog’s diet is comprised of mainly dry kibble, that sudden influx of dairy will not bode well in their system.

There’s a good chance that it will cause diarrhea and massive discomfort, so watch out!

How Much is Too Much?

If your dog is eating anything more than an occasional taste, it’s too much.

Whipped cream should not be a part of your pup’s regular diet. Not even once a week servings are recommended.

Reserve those tastes for special occasions. A quick sample over the holiday break is more than enough to satiate their appetite for the sweet stuff.


Whipped cream isn’t going to kill your dog, but it’s also not doing them any favors either. There are far better alternatives out there.

Whipped cream has no place in your pup’s diet. Invest in some high-quality treats and leave the whipped cream for your human desserts!

Also Read: 7 Soft Dog Foods for Dogs With Bad Teeth

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