How Long Is a Dog’s Attention Span? (And 6 Ways to Increase It)

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Dogs are naturally curious about the world around them. But by the same token, they’re also eager to please owners! Canines are the world’s first domesticated species. Their bond with humans goes back thousands of years, leading to high trainability today.

All that said, training can be a challenge. Dogs are like kids: They have short attention spans, and there are limits to how long they can maintain constant mental stimulation.

Those short attention spans are most evident in young puppies, but mature dogs will also have trouble staying engaged in rigorous training.

So, how long is the attention span of a dog?

Understanding Dog Attention Spans

Typically, dogs have an attention span of between 15 and 30 minutes. That’s it! Attempting to push your dog’s training beyond that can lead to less-than-desirable results.

Of course, all dogs are different. The exact attention span can vary from one pup to another, and you must consider many variables.


The breed of your dog can make a difference. Some breeds are more prone to being aloof or independent. For example, the Siberian Husky is notorious for being difficult to train due to their shorter attention span.

The same goes for breeds like the Afghan Hound and the Chow Chow.

More “trainable” dogs may have longer attention spans that come in handy. The best example is the German Shepherd, which is why they’re often the breed of choice for working roles.


Age is another major factor when gauging your dog’s attention span.

As mentioned earlier, young pups tend to struggle to focus on tasks for too long. Training at a young age is critical due to a puppy’s moldability and lack of long-established bad habits. But you must be strategic about how long you train them daily (more on that soon).

The same goes for senior dogs or older canines with little training.

Dog owners who adopt adult dogs without previous training can find keeping their new companion’s attention difficult. They already have bad habits to unlearn and lack the foundation to stay engaged.

Meanwhile, senior dogs are less active and may suffer from cognitive decline. As a result, their attention spans suffer.

External Influences

Pup focussing its attention behind him

External factors like weather and nearby noise can be an issue, too.

Dogs usually have longer attention spans when it’s cool out. Many professional trainers recommend teaching dogs new commands in the early morning or late evening because you don’t have to worry about heat barrelling down on your dog to pull attention.

Loud noises and tons of activity are also a problem. While you can teach your dog to focus on you and overcome this hurdle, the allure of what’s happening nearby can always shorten your dog’s attention span.

Related: Why Dogs Hate Vacuum Cleaners

Working Around the Limited Dog Attention Span

Whether your dog’s attention span is on the lower or higher end of that 15- to 30-minute window doesn’t matter. The key to successful training is to work within those limits.

Professional trainers say that training sessions should last 45 minutes at most. But ideally, you should limit those learning periods to shorter spans of 15 to 30 minutes, matching your dog’s ability to stay focused.

Pushing your dog over those limits could lead to many problems. You’ll notice that your dog’s success will wane the longer your training sessions run. Go too far, and they might start to adopt bad habits!

If you have a puppy, the best practice is to hold off on formal training until they reach around six months old. However, you can teach them basic commands like “sit” or “stay” much earlier.

Your puppy’s brain develops enough to learn new skills at approximately eight weeks. They’ll struggle with more complex commands, but you can work on the foundational training to set your pup up for success later.

Improving the Attention Span of a Dog

You’re not alone if you struggle to engage your dog during training. Your efforts can be hit and miss with so many factors impacting your pup’s attention span. Fortunately, there are ways to increase it.

Teaching your dog to pay attention for as long as possible can greatly affect how quickly they pick up commands. Try these tips, and your dog can stay focused as you teach them the law of the land.

Maintain a Positive Tone When Using Your Dog’s Name

When your dog acts up, the first inclination is to scold them by name. We’ve all been there!

When you walk in to find that they’ve chewed up your favorite pair of shoes or got into the garbage, you feel exasperated and immediately want to say, “No Spot! Bad Dog Spot!”

But using your dog’s name in a negative tone can make their attention span worse! It all comes down to creating that negative connotation. Your dog creates an unwanted connection when you constantly use their name pointedly.

Dogs can’t understand human language, no matter how engaged they look at you when you speak in a cutesy voice. However, they can listen to sounds and pick up patterns.

The tone of your voice matters. If all your dog hears is you scolding them by name, they start to think that their name means something bad.

As you can imagine, that makes things pretty tough during a training session. Even if you switch to a more positive tone throughout training, that unwanted connection in their head remains. Some dogs want to escape the situation because they think they’re in trouble!

Avoid that nightmare by only using your dog’s name positively. If you must scold or correct bad behavior, leave their name out of the equation. Think of their name as sacred!

You want to keep things upbeat at all times so they know you’re coming from a place of love and support during training. You want your dog to hear its name and get excited! That way, they pay attention to you!

Teach Your Dog its Name First

One of the first things you should focus on when training your dog is helping it learn its name. As we said in our first tip, your goal is to ensure your dog thinks positively of their name.

You want them to get excited enough to pay attention to you whenever you say it.

Beyond using their name with nothing but a positive tone, you can do specific training techniques to help establish that connection. Say your dog’s name in an upbeat tone. Once they look at you, offer up a reward immediately.

It’s a simple training process that you can do several times throughout the day. Once your dog understands their name, you can move on to more complex training methods and take full advantage of this foundational training to maintain focus.

Be Consistent in Your Commands

Another important tip is to remain consistent in what commands you use. Consistency is key during training because it helps dogs recognize what they want.

Remember: They don’t understand human speech. They rely solely on vocal patterns to establish a connection between a command and a behavior.

You’ll only confuse your poor dog if you suddenly switch things up or use different commands.

For example, using a combination of “sit” and “stay” to get your dog to pay attention to you will do no favors. Using those commands interchangeably will create confusion and make those words lose meaning.

It makes it more difficult for your dog to get the gist of what you’re saying, causing attention span issues and forcing your dog to relearn things.

Always stick to the same commands. Furthermore, make sure everyone in the household knows what commands to use.

One of the biggest issues owners face when training a dog in a family setting is people using different words for the same thing! Everyone in the house should be on the same page to constantly reinforce your chosen commands.

Prioritize “Watch Me!”

A specific command that pulls your dog’s attention is always a good idea. Your dog’s name alone will do much of the heavy lifting. But picture this:

You’re in a room full of people gushing over your new puppy. They’re constantly saying their name. How do you tell your dog to pay attention to you?

“Watch Me!” is a designated command you can teach your dog. It automatically pulls focus and lets your pup know it’s time to look at you, despite the chaos surrounding them.

Move onto this command after your dog learns to look at you with their name alone. You can add it to their name. For example, say something like, “Spot, watch me!”

As you do, hold up a little treat next to your eyes. You want your dog to look directly at you. When they do, provide a treat.

Consider uppin the ante the more your dog gets familiar with the “watch me” command. You can extend the hold time, getting your pup to look at your eyes longer and longer before you provide the treat.

Then, drop their name entirely to establish this command as the one they should always listen for in any environment.

Provide Plenty of Rewards

Positive reinforcement goes a long way.

Dogs respond well to praise and plenty of treats. The best way to increase your dog’s attention span is to always have treats on you during training. Use them wisely to reward your desired behavior and entice your dog to pay attention to you.

You’d be surprised by how much a high-value treat can pull focus. Even in the most chaotic environment, many dogs will run straight to you when you whip out something tasty!

More importantly, it builds those positive connections you want to the commands you provide.

Gradually Push Your Dog’s Limits

As your dog gets more comfortable focusing on you, gradually increase the challenge.

You can start by having a friend or family member toss a ball around in the same room while you call your dog’s name or provide the “watch me” command. Give a treat when your dog ignores that simple distraction to focus on you.

Increase the difficulty. Try using those important commands when you’re out on a walk, and your dog has a million distractions buzzing around them. Then, go to a busy dog park!

The ultimate goal is to have it where your dog can recognize your commands and pay attention to you no matter what. Push your dog’s capabilities and stay vigilant.

A Final Word

Dogs have limits on how long they can focus on a single task. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t use what you know about your dog to use that small window wisely. The tips above can be game-changing for you and your dog.

Working to increase their attention span can dramatically improve their behavior and give you a tool to keep them safe in sticky situations!

Whether it’s a sudden inclination to chase a squirrel across the road or to grab their attention in a crowded dog park, learning how to game your pup’s attention span can make your life much easier as an owner!

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